Tuesday, October 19, 2004

New Delhi

No rest for the weary in India! Natalie and I are tag teaming for who gets to be sick in bed. It is generally a short session of vomitting or diarrhea, with one day of feeling like crap, and one day of feeling okay but being confined to the bed. She is just finishing her turn, so I am due for mine in a day or so.

Hopefully I can skip this go at being ill, as we have just booked a car and driver for two weeks starting Saturday. It is a bit of a splurge at a staggering $25 a day, but in Rajasthan, the most touristy area of India, the touts are said to be fierce. With a driver you have the peace of mind of not having to brave the mob of rickshaw drivers everywhere you go, especially when getting off of trains and buses. They literally surround you and fight over who gets to take you to the hotel that they get commission from. Not a fun experience.

Haven't done too much in India yet. The highlight so far has been the Taj Mahjal. That is one tourist attraction that holds up to its reputation, you can't help but be amased. We are in New Delhi now, a big polluted city. One cool thing we saw is the Bahia "Lotus Temple" http://www.safnet.com/bahai/images/lotus.jpg

So off to Rajasthan, home to the desert towns of Jodhpur, Jaisalmer, Jaipur, and Udaipur. I uploaded more pictures from Nepal that you can find here, http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/marcandnatalie/album?.dir=/b7f3&.src=ph&.tok=phfiQ5BBaGg34wg6


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